8 TALKS ON (t AT THE FEET OP FHE MASTER " thought of your Master, and find out exactly what He thinks (you can do that when you are part of Him) on ^iny given subject, and mak^ your thought like His. y^ell, when that happy time comes, you will soon get into Ae way of this testing your thought, you will understand His point of view. But at first you will be constantly meeting with unexpected shocks. You will find that things which seemed of vast importance to you do not matter at all, while •other things which you had passed by as com- paratively unimportant stand out as of great im- portance. This is because in some way, great or small, these seemingly unimportant things affect your usefulness, and whatever affects your usefulness is important because there you touch upon the real thing. In this way you will learn by degrees to contact the underlying Reality. What is that Reality ? Simply this—that there is a God, who permeates all. That is the profound Truth in relation to which the reality of all things has to be tested, and it is the only test in the world. You must learn to look from within and not merely from without, and then your idea of relative values will change very much. It is one of our greatest difficulties to learn to weigh things always from the inner and not from the outer point of vi^w. Many of us really and earnestly wish to do that, and yet quite constantly fall short of our desire because the pressure of the opinion of the world is so